Benchmark Standards

We Provide Teachers

Fast Check
Our short quizzes help teachers to save time allowing them to focus on instruction

Instant Results
Our tests give teachers and students instant feedback and test question tags

Secure Exams
Our test questions are secure and randomised so test scores are precise

Exam Database
We work with teachers to improve our question database continuously

The number speaks for itself!
With more than 15 years of experience in education and online teaching field, we guarantee the best service for test preparations and revisions for all popular test systems.

Our Anthology
Our online learning curriculum is built on the framework of 4 key learning stages. We strive towards a balance between fundamentals and challenging content so the student can think critically and independently.

Who We Are
ixiEnglish was founded in 2016. We started out in Shanghai with only 1 bilingual school (international curriculum for local students) in the city. Today, with more than 250 bilingual schools established, we have expanded our online classes to offer K12 academic reading, writing and speaking .
What We Do
- Helping student transit their learning mindset and build relevant skills towards international school model
- Rigorous testing of sourced reading, writing and speech materials allow students to gain confidence during exams
- Continuous updates to the ever-changing formats of examinations

How It Works

Pay Monthly or Quarterly
Monthly Plan entitles you to 1 Exam paper access code for unlimited students valid for 30 days.
Instant Results
After purchase, access code will be given to account holder and email address registered. Go to exam link and start paper. Results will be shown immediately after test.
Review Progress
Instructors will be able to see the detailed breakdown of questions in email address registered.
Easy Access To Test Students

1st. Step
Purchase Plan and Login Access
2nd. Step
Select exams for students
3rd. Step
Get students online and access code ready
4th Step
Review progress and suggest areas of study